Chemistry Can You Afford To Eat Today, Or Are You An Undergrad Who Has Broken Some Glassware? February 9, 2019 Lexa Graham Many students are facing a difficult choice; either buying an entire week’s worth of groceries, or accidentally chipping one frail beaker.
Medicine Facial Transplant Recipient Waiting On Donation From Hotter Person February 8, 2019 Lexa Graham The would-be recipient shocked her doctors after she rejected the face of donor Karen Wright, a 49-year-old five out of ten.
Biology Deep Sea Divers Discover Three New Aquatic Monstrosities February 6, 2019 Lexa Graham The new species have been classified as “abominations” by marine biologists.
Astronomy NASA: Mars Likely Has Enough Oxygen To Support Entire Real Housewives Franchise February 5, 2019 Cathryn Naiker Producers are looking for Housewives that are as thin and lifeless as the Martian atmosphere.
Environment New Climate Change Solution? Man Suggests Flipping Earth To Cold Side February 4, 2019 Lexa Graham “I was making pancakes and realized the side closest to the heat keeps getting all burnt up… why haven’t scientists used that idea to stop climate change yet?”
Physics Physicists Draft Zion Williamson To Stress-Test Fabric of Spacetime February 1, 2019 Lexa Graham
Engineering Climate Scientists Clarify That Driving A Washed Car Doesn’t Qualify As Using “Clean Energy” January 31, 2019 Marc Hallworth “I know people mean well, but ironically, the constant use of car-washes is actually an enormous waste of resources”
Research Researcher Excited For Decades Of Research To Be Completely Misinterpreted By Media January 22, 2019 Lexa Graham “It’s an honor to have so many people read about all my hard work and come to a completely wrong conclusion about any real-world applications”
Biology Scientists Confirm Insect With Longest Recorded Lifespan Is That Noisy Fly In Your Kitchen January 5, 2019 Isabel Zaw-Tun
Astronomy Tragic! Rocket Scientists Break Up Over Thrust Issues December 8, 2018 Amar Singh “Being with him was a real Challenger”