In a rare find, archeologists have uncovered the mummified corpse of a 3000 year-old PhD student who had deposited tissue samples at a core facility and was waiting on embedding and sectioning.
“This is highly unusual,” said Dr. Hadid H. Haddas, director of antiquities. “We don’t usually recover mummies in this exquisite state of preservation. You can still make out the expression of despair on her face.”
Wiping the sweat from her brow, Dr. Haddas stood pointing in the desert sun as delicate brushes revealed more and more of the find. “Ah! You can see that she is holding the crumpled order form here. And you can just make out the letters…‘R-U-S-H’. Yes, unfortunate for her, but were it not for this core we would not have this incredible mummy.”
Scrutinizing the form more closely, it was eventually determined that the student was trying to get several mouse spleens embedded and H&E-stained.
It is unclear whether the 3000-year-old age of this finding will be included in average time-to-degree surveys for PhD students.