Fay, C., Graham, L. et al.
Researchers at ____________[a prestigious university] have discovered a link between _____________ [your favorite thing, activity or food] and _______________ [the most terrible thing you can think of], a discovery that could revolutionize the field of ________________ [any noun] _____________ [a science].
Scientists had long suspected that ________-ing [verb] a __________ [noun] with a _______________ [noun] could produce an increase in ____________ [bodily function] but the ___ [number] percent increase seen in this experiment was unprecedented [1].
“The results are truly unbelievable” said Dr. ___________ [cartoon character] who led the team.
“At first the data had us scratching our ___________ [body part, plural] and shaking our ___________ [body part, plural]. But once we realized what we had, everyone was jumping up and down like a _________ [animal] in a __________ [place that isn’t Denny’s] on _________ [holiday].”
For those not familiar with ___________ [your favorite thing, activity or food], the results can be a little counterintuitive, but you can think of it like this: Imagine you have a/n ____________ [object] that you are _________-ing [verb] while you ____________ [verb]. If you then ________ [adverb] ______ [verb] the ____________ [same object] while simultaneously _________-ing [verb] you would obviously expect to see an increase in __________ [an embarrassing habit]. But if you were to reverse it and ____________ [adverb] _________ [verb] the ______________ [noun] without ________-ing [verb] a ___________ [noun], then you’d actually see a decrease in _________________ [something you wouldn’t be caught dead doing]. The relationship between ____________ [your favorite thing, activity or food] and _____________ [the most terrible thing you can think of] works in a similar manner.
While results are still preliminary the discovery could lead to practical applications in the fields of _______________ [medical research topic], ________________ [chemistry research topic], _______________ [consumer electronics product], and may allow for the development of __________ [pure science fiction].