Hallworth, M. et al.
Michael Taylor, an eleventh-grade student at Our Heart Of Jesus High School, has just sent in his application to study Geomatics Engineering after obtaining an above-average mark on a physics assignment worth five percent of his grade. When asked why he chose that particular field, he replied “83% is a decent enough mark to base the rest of my life on.”
When Taylor was asked if he actually liked engineering, he admitted that no one had ever asked her that question before.
“I guess I’d actually love to work as a chef, but no one I know does that. Everyone in my class is going into engineering, so I figure I should too. I actually mentioned culinary arts once in class, but then everyone called me a ‘future-hobo.’”
We were also surprised to learn that Taylor didn’t exactly know what Geomatics Engineering was. “I think it uses satellites or something? I’m told that it’s a good career, so at least my dad is happy for me.”
Taylor’s father indeed seemed satisfied by the news. “Engineering is a noble profession,” he says, “I’m glad that I don’t have to dissuade him from doing something like photography.”
We’re looking forward to catching up with Taylor in ten years, after he’s covered up his frustrations with a mortgage and two kids.