Graham, L. et al
Microbiologist Dr. Leila Chu has dazzled once again with her new biofilm “The Growth of Pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa On Hospital Catheters,” a powerful epic that provides a profound look into the hour-to-hour lives of pathogenic microbes that grow on human genitalia [1], and critics are taking notice!
“Though pioneering work by others in the field have shown the biofilm’s resistance to antibiotics, no one has shown it quite as hauntingly as Dr. Chu,” said bacterial biofilm critic Roger ebertella.
“Most biofilmmakers aren’t able to capture the complexity and diversity of the microbial population,” writes the Hollywood Reporter, “but Dr. Chu tapped the production designer behind Moonlight and Beyonce’s Lemonade, Hannah Beachler, and immediately there was a richness you would never see in big studio biofilm.”
“I was so lucky, the ensemble cast was so easy to work with,” said Dr. Chu. “P. [aeruginosa] is a bona fide professional on and off the agar. It almost makes you forget that thanks it’s antibiotic-resistance, this particular bacteria kills thousands of people each year.”
The biofilm has already picked up awards for cinematography at the Golden Globules and the BAFTAs (Bacterial Academy of Flagellen and tRNA Arts), and is a favorite at the upcoming O. scars.